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As Director and Specialist Assessment Teacher at Pi Educational Assessment, Mr John Clogan has more than 20 years experience in mainstream, PRU and special education.

In his joint roles as both classroom teacher and member of school leadership teams, John has worked with some of the most challenging and vulnerable pupils in Norfolk and Suffolk.

We can provide SEND Support and Inclusive School Support Service, specialising in learning assessments, behaviour management support and inclusion. We also offer SEND curriculum development and training.

Our detailed assessments have enabled schools and parents or guardians to access additional support and services they need to ensure that children and young people can make the most of their time in education.

We have an amazing success rate securing EHCP assessments and plans, as well as being able to provide you with additional access to a network of related professionals, all of whom can assist you in getting children and young people the support they need.

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Schools face increased pressure to meet targets whilst also dealing with a growing number of vulnerable pupils who present with an array of learning, domestic, social and emotional needs which can significantly impact their ability to engage fully with teaching and learning.

This lack of engagement often leads to poor behaviour and pupils receiving Internal, Fixed-Term or even Permanent Exclusion which causes a disjointed education and a loss of learning to both themselves and fellow students.

At Pi Educational Assessment, we work closely with both schools and parents or guardians to meet the increasingly diverse needs of pupils, getting to the root cause/s of their difficulties and supplying detailed assessment reports, advice, and suggestions for ways in which those needs can be supported.

We offer a range of specialist packages as well as bespoke, one-off, assessments targeting specific concerns around Speech, Language & Communication and Cognition & Learning including investigating underlying Social & Emotional or Physical & Sensory needs.

In addition, we can provide a variety of SEND support services including training, help for SENDCOs, and Interim SENDCO provision.

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•  As a school, do you find you’re struggling to demonstrate the progress of your SEND pupils in a mainstream setting? The range of assessments, and support we provide are regularly updated to meet the latest changes in educational requirements, enabling us to guarantee we can meet the many needs of our partner schools.

•  We can provide CPD for your staff, along with guidance around the direction and content of the curriculum to support children and young people with SEND.

•  We are able to assist with your applications for EHCP and with providing evidence for the review process.

•  We offer support with identification of the various difficulties being experienced by a child or young person who may be at risk of Permanent Exclusion.

•  We can provide support to parents, helping their SEND children and young people with any difficulties they may have engaging with teaching and learning, as well as guidance on how to improve their behaviour.

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